Monday, September 28, 2009


Dr. Mowatt wanted another CT. He said that would take 7-10 days to schedule, then schedule the appointment for 2 weeks later. I went downstairs and sucked up to the nice lady at CT, then went back upstairs and waited for Dr. Mowatt's nurse to come back from lunch, got a copy of the orders, went back downstairs and she fit me in right then instead of coming back tomorrow, which she originally thought she had to do. So I saved 7-10 days. Done, $977 later, but the radiologist here wouldn't use contrast either, so we are no further ahead. He and Dr. Morriss (the urologist) will consult and decide what to do next. My appointment is for the 19th to review the results. Hope someone at work will change shifts with me!

He said if it is lymphoma they will do radiation (not sure how they would differentiate), they may decide to do a biopsy but not likely, I will probably lose a kidney because of the blood flow issue, and that was about it. He did think surgery was still the most likely.

Now I am off to Texas to load up a truck and list the house with a realtor.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you all day wondering how your appointment went and At suppertime checked in here and saw Saturdays post and was worried for you and ticked with Al.

Good luck with your trip to Texas and your appointment on the 19th.

Love ya sis

Apaciye Olive said...

You are in my thoughts as well dearest sister. It leaves a space where I don't talk to you on a daily basis. Being in the same house as you for those days this summer is a time I will treasure. As well I intend to bop East instead of West during my 6 days off as the year continues and as 2010 comes forward.
love ya sis

JOY walks here... PEACE follows... COMFORT saves...

This is where life should be lived