Mowed the lawn today, but first I transplanted a bunch of wild violets, because I couln't stand the idea of mowing them down. I allowed the "grass" to grow to tall, and the chickweed has really gotten high - the mower wsa not amused. All went well though, and the worst thing that happened was me running out if gas. SCORE! I had some in the barn...that was probably a buck less a gallon when I bought it last year.
I have the most amazing amount of poison ivy on my property. It is in the obvious spot on the side of the barn, but also on the back and other side, and in the treeline on the school side of the property. I am going to have to hire Pedro's friends and get this crap outta here! I am worried about that, even if they are not sensitive, they will get it on them and then they have to get back into my vehicle. Plus, it has to be bagged, because it can't go in the burn pile. And then what do I do with the bags? I guess I could chuck out one or two a week in my household garbage can, because I sure wouldn't survive a trip to the landfill with it in the same vehicle.
The steroids are working, and the rash hasn't progressed any further since yesterday. I am SO glad I went to the doctor yesterday! My butt still hurts from the shot. :)
1 comment:
Update your blog woman! And good news!! I have located 2 of your CJS and they are being packed up right now to come home to you!!
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