Thursday, July 30, 2009


I decided at 4:37 in the morning that it was foolish to stay up all night to get ready to drive all day, so I decided to leave tomorrow morning. What a relief! Olive sent me a wonderful email about stress and it included setting priorities and also modifying them. This is a modification moment.

Packing is so much more fun when you have enough time. :) I have a cooler, snacks, and lots more to do, but I am relaxed and not stressed. Mac dropped me off a Tom Tom, which tells me I will be there 34 hours after I leave. I need a snack, then I am off to finish cleaning out the truck (good opportunity to vacuum it! And then put the stuff in, ready to go in the morning.

Yay! A good day!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Does this Tom Tom allow for bathroom breaks and meals or is it strait driving?

Have a good sleep and make an early start sounds like a good Idea can't wait to see you.

JOY walks here... PEACE follows... COMFORT saves...

This is where life should be lived