Saturday, August 29, 2009


Whenever I am thinking things, I think, "I should blog that." Then I get to the blog page, and I think....what was that again? Forgetful!

Sometimes, I get to this page, and I, I can't post that, that's very negative! Interestingly enough, I think that maybe I have been wrong to not post negative things. The past few days have been very stressful for me. I have been trying to make all the people in my life happy, but the conflicting demands make that difficult. In the end, I made myself happy and no one was hurt too too much. I don't think. :)

Last night we got together and had a bonfire, Mom, Loretta, Charlene, Kathy and Kevin and the kids. We had fun, even including Mom thinking a bear might come eat us. :) But this is the crappy part - several times during the night I found myself thinking - will this be the last time I get to do this? And I am not even SICK! Very annoying. It is kind of like there is something hanging over my head, but I can't tell what it is. Might hurt, might not.

It is almost as if, I can't be my usual annoying busy body self with my nieces and nephews because I want them to remember me as different than that. And that is kind of what I have been doing with everyine else too, trying to have a bit of a "nice" persona that really doesn't fit all that well sometimes. My lesson from the last few days is that trying to make everyone happy just makes me unhappy.

I haven't been feeling well ever since my night shift on Thursday. I am not sure if I am too old or just too stressed but...ick. I must confess I am not looking forward to the family picture tomorrow... I intended to go to Clothesline today to look for a new shirt, but that didn't happen. I will be more excited when I know what I will wear, perhaps. I think It is time to go sit in my chair with the light out and pretend I am reading.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Which reminds me...

The guy I work with here if I am on weekdays has a nickname. Guess what it is?


Good thing we re-named Bert to be Burl.

AN UPDATE! (well, sort of!)

Today was the day I was allowed to call and check in with June (the very nice reception person at Dr. Debertin's office) if the doc hadn't called me yet.... So I did.

She called and the temporary receptionist (the usual one is on vacation) could not find a record of me. She will be back on Tuesday and June will call her again. :(

How embarrassing since I keep telling all my Texas friends how much more awesome Canadian healthcare is!

On a related note, I had another long conversation about Paramedic care in NB with another Paramedic. One interesting comment was "We used to have the highest save rate in the country. (Referring to the SJ area) Now I can't remember the last save." Since the big change, they no longer have cardiac drugs. :( Sadly, the leveling that occurred in the province meant better care for some, but lesser care for others. And Joe Q. Public has no way of knowing! This Joan Q. Public is finding out way too much.

Not all paramedics are allowed to carry Valium. They have "Diazepam Intercepts" to stop patients from seizing. What the f? Who loses brain cells from seizures? Why, children, of course.

From another source, I found out that there are still areas in the province with BLS ambulances. Notably, they are also in areas where native Canadians live. First Nations get lesser care? Wonder why. Very saddened about this, the more I learn about the systems the more I see the broke parts. :(

So, I think I am going to sit quietly for a while and learn more. I may have to try to save the world after all. *Sigh*

A Super Hero's job is never done.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Anonymous Cousin

Above the Happy Baker? This sounds interesting!!!!


Still waiting for the neurosurgeon. Just so you know!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

And the Update is....

There really isn't one. :)

Nothing to see here. Move along......

Still waiting for the very busy (see, he must be good) Dr. WHEELOCK (We remembered - thanks Olive!) to call with an appointment. Neurosurgery must be Booming!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Mom, Olive and I went to Fredericton today for coffee with Margot, Bronwyn, Angie and the kids. Good coffee, good conversation! Still waiting. :) But my face hasn't leaked all day. Good times.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Update - Bert is now Burl!

Bert has been renamed Burl! Why...because of the song, Goodbye Earl! Sing it with me....Goodbye, Burl! That was Olive's idea yesterday!

My wonderful Dr. Debertin has already sent my information to the neurosurgeon, we should have an appointment time call back next week, he thinks. It was actually nice to see Dr. Debertin again, he looks just like I remember, with just maybe a few new grey hair, and what a fabulous sense of humor he has. I didn't remember how funny he is!

I enjoyed the opprortunity to kind of recap 20 years of my life fairly quick. :)

***This post was temporarily suspended so that I could run to get a printer at Cox. It is now MUCH MUCH later.***

While I was at Cox asking to see Maggie, who had just stepped out to lunch, the guy had to get the was for me. :) Have to love a small town. It was Olive, Dr. Debertin's office had called and wanted me to call them before 4. I decided to just drive over there, since I had an hour to kill until Maggie got back.

Since I am clearly tired, I can't remember the name of the neurosurgeon...even though I have been saying it all day. Dr. Debertin said their office would call me within the next couple weeks with an appointment, and not to worry about the medicare, they have a special form and blah blah blah. WOW, huh? Thank you Canada oh great land of love and free healthcare! Thank you taxpayers! Dr. D said he had never heard of the form but it meant no 90 day wait for reinstatement of coverage, because I am a CANADIAN! Love it! That means my money worries are much much relieved.

He did present an interesting way of looking at the possibility of a biopsy, which everyone knows I am 100% against (or, at least I was.) He said, if you onlyhave four months to live, do you want to spend two of them recovering from surgery? Good point. Made me rethink a bit. However, as we are all aware, there is nothing I can't kick, and this will be no different. I will live to be the crazy cat lady. Woohoo!

I went to see Ella's play this evening, the Faery's Kiss, and it was wonderful. It is so fun to go somewhere and have half the audience wave when you walk in. Wooh, it was hot in there though! She mentioned that Dr. Tom had been to Dr. W - the neurosurgeon with no name - the day prior and had mentioned me so when Dr. D called, he was a tiny bit familiar. I very much appreciate the love everyone is showing me. Blessings, falling from the sky.

After the play we came home for Mom's homemade ice cream and a lively raspberry filled cake she had made. She also made us an amazing dinner tonight, Chicken Salad Piccata from the Rachel Ray recipes I absconded with from the doctor's office in Texas. Funny moment: I confessed to ripping them out of the magazine and my doctor said "This isn't the time to be worried about that!" to which I replied "Great, hand me the rest of the magazine then!"

In honor of the evening's entertainment:
Cast Of Characters: (since some readers are not in the full Mosher family loopage...)
Olive: Amazing sister whom I love
Maggie: Beautiful nice, daughter of Jessie, amazing sister whom I love. Maggie works at Cox, an electronics store, and has been voted "Family IT person."
Dr. Debertin: Childhood doctor (technically teenhood), with amazing sense of humor. Smart, AND funny!
Ella: Cousin from my mother's father's side... geesh. Cousin somehow, anyways, whom I love. Hooked me back up with Dr. D, who accepted me back as a patient thanks to this wonderful woman, who also is an amazing Actor. I practically lived at Ella's house as a teen. Tuesdays were at Ella's!
Dr. Tom: Ella's husband, kind intelligent surgeon who is rather stuck with a lot of random family bits like me by marriage and yet accepts it all with grace.
Dr. W: The as yet unknown neurosurgeon.
Mom: Somewhat self explanatory!

As a final act to the evening's post, I need mention that my cat can open doors. Even without opposable thumbs. So she is now no longer confined to my bedroom, and is wandering the house. Stacey saw her in the fireplace earlier this evening! She is on a chair near me looking quite happy and self sufficient. Hopefully she'll catch a mouse or something to prove her worth.
Please keep praying, y'all!

(Insert theme from Sesame Street here)

Sunny days, chasing the clouds away....

It has been sunny every day since I have gotten here! The weather is beautiful and I have been having a blast with Olive and Stacey messing about with jacking up the house, and various other fun projects.

I am off to the doctor this morning. Warning, in advance: Nothing new or interesting will be learned from this visit. All that will occur is a discussion of treatment to date, and where we shall send me. :)

JOY walks here... PEACE follows... COMFORT saves...

This is where life should be lived