Thursday, January 11, 2007

So 35 is not looking good so far...


- You can wake up late and decide to make it a good day despite missing your flight, but that does not mean you will get on the next flight.
- You can get on said flight with an expired license, since your birthday was three days ago, and noone , including yourself, is the wiser.
- You can have a rental car reservation and there still may be no rental cars in the City you have flown to.
- You can wait three hours for a car to show up, but the expired license certainly does *only then* make it impossible to get a car.
- You can sit on a chair to decide what to do...for an hour - all the while worrying that you are for-sure going to be fired for this one.
- You can be given the advice by the car girl that you could just go to the DMV and get a new license.
- You can spend $50 on cab fare just to find out you need a social security card to get a new license at the DMV.
- You can get back to the airport and rebook your flight to go home two days early, but that doesn't mean they will let you on the plane - they ask for an unexpired social security card to go with your expired license.
- You can get on the plane, after going back through the airline's long queue for a "Special" boarding pass that gives you the added experience of a "Special" TSA fondling search.
- You can be seated in the middle on the airplane beside a stinky perfumed woman who keeps reaching over you to contact the man by the window, and passes her jewelry to him for inspection no less than six times, invading your personal space and subjecting you to a running dialogue across the front of your magazine with her Merlot breath of how "Indian made" jewelry means made in Pakistan and the indians on the 'res' are broke and penniless...and when you ask the steward to reseat you, his hearing impairment means you have to yell that you wish to be reseated because the lady beside you is rude, making you seem like the rude one.
- You can head home from the airport and miss the exit on the freeway, leaving you 20 minutes south on the highway before you notice that you are on 121 not 114.
- You can get to the corner of 407 and 377 and see firetrucks headed for your house....
and believe it or not...
It was not on fire yet! Just the grass.
Wow, what a great day.
A day in the life of the Ande.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good grief girl...I thought things like that only happened to me!!!

JOY walks here... PEACE follows... COMFORT saves...

This is where life should be lived